Future Learning Vision
د.ا 15 د.ا 8
In an era that witnessed the development of technology, and nothing remains the same, it is time to add a new approach and new methods to the teaching mechanism of university courses.
In an era that witnessed the development of technology, and nothing remains the same, it is time to add a new approach and new methods to the teaching mechanism of university courses.
Here you will find a project that is likely to be implemented with Google, which is concerned with delivering the paper book prescribed to each student in his course at every university, in the form of an electronic book and in an effective practical way, and this does not negate the presence of the student‘s paper book on the contrary. The electronic book is at the expense of the paper book. Most studies indicate that students prefer the electronic book over the paper book for several reasons, including cost,weight, and keeping pace with technological development.
As for the rest of the groups, and to a greater extent, they prefer the paper book for psychological purposes first, and then because of their needs for tangible dealing with the book.
Finally, we do not deny that both types are a source of knowledge and a summary of what scientists and thinkers came up with, and they are the main source for the progress of nations.
الوزن | 0.7 كيلوجرام |
الأبعاد | 17 × 24 سنتيميتر |
تأليف |
Zaid Ahmad Younis |
نوع الغلاف | |
الطباعة الداخلية | |
عدد الصفحات |
114 |
تاريخ النشر | |
الناشر |
دار اليازوري العلمية |
ردمك|ISBN |
9789923431368 |

دار نشر أردنية تأسست في عام 1981، وتعد واحدة من الدور الرائدة في مجال النشر في المنطقة العربية. تقوم دار اليازوري بنشر العديد من الكتب في مجالات متنوعة مثل الأدب، الثقافة، التاريخ، العلوم، والدراسات الاجتماعية.
تركز الدار على نشر الكتب باللغة العربية وتستهدف الجمهور العربي في مختلف أنحاء العالم. تقدم أيضًا خدمات الترجمة والنشر الرقمي، وتشارك في العديد من المعارض الدولية للكتاب.
لا توجد مراجعات بعد.