عرض ⁦2⁩ من كل النتائج

First aids الاسعافات الاولية

السعر الأصلي هو: 20 د.ا.السعر الحالي هو: 6 د.ا.
Emergency care and first aids work in an environment where measured interrogation is a luxury, where life-saving skills can be required urgently and where the art of rapid and effective communications is essential. Add to list the expectation that the nurse will have encyclopedic knowledge of the emergency and trauma aspect of any medical condition- and not a few social crises- and it is not surprising that most nursing students and young nurses approach the emergency department with an excitement which is tinged with anxiety. This book satisfies the needs Medical and nursing students. The students will have good amount of information about emergency and trauma cases and the role of the nurse towards victims in many such cases.

الإسعافات الأولية

18 د.ا د.ا

The traditional and current purpose of this book is to provide skills and information to manage emergency conditions. Information is presented in an order which is relevant to the enquire. The student learns how to deal with the emergency and then reads the background to the crisis  and how, perhaps, it could have been avoided.

This book is concern blur the boundaries between hospital and community care. Our primary aim has been to equip the student with the knowledge to deal with crises, but we hope that we shared, in these units, our

concern to ensure that nurses are trained also to try to avoid them.